Tarta Relena (CAT)
Tarta Relena was born in 2016 as a project of two singers to explore a cappella the sonorities of different styles of vocal music. Far from wanting to create a stamp of the traditional and to define the Mediterranean, Tarta Relena wants to make its own a repertoire that goes from music of oral tradition to songs of author that in one way or another are related to the geographical area of the Mediterranean. Tarta Relena sings from the perspective that what we call folklore is a living and moving repertoire. Therefore, this reality is mouldable and can be reinterpreted with the instruments and sonorities that we now have within our reach. A key tool is the electronics with which they re-signify the melodies without leaving aside their origins. The study and knowledge of the path and the contexts that have given rise to these musics opens the doors of experimentation towards new meanings. Fiat Lux is the first full-length album and is an exploration of the concept of cyclicality through memory, nostalgia and the evocation of feelings. The love poems written by Sappho of Lesbos or traditional Sephardic songs deal with the same emotional problems we face as individuals in 2021. Whether in archaic Greece, in medieval times or in the midst of a global pandemic, the self goes through the same processes of joy and pain, closes them and begins again, unable to avoid the course of things. Through the stories of powerful and time-transcendent characters, such as the Vingen Mary, Hildegard of Bingen or the Paixtu tribe of women in Afghanistan, the timelessness and transcendence of these voices and their discourses are explored, revisited and sung from today’s perspective.