PLANO NACIONAL DAS ARTES: Addendum to the Porto Santo Charter

In 2025, Plano Nacional das Artes (PNA) will present the Addendum to the Porto Santo Charter to bodies responsible for education, culture and youth policies at international, national and local level, as well as to organizations and networks. This manifesto, conceived and written with and by young people, states their perspective on the promoters and barriers to cultural citizenship and proposes recommendations.
The reflection addresses the spaces and formats for young cultural participation, the needs to strengthen young people’s participation in the arts, culture and democracy, and young people’s views on the role of culture in education and the role of education in culture, considering the challenges ahead.

At MIL, the National Arts Plan will present a summary of the process of this Addendum, pointing out the main conclusions and recommendations for the future of youth cultural participation.

The presentation of this Manifesto at MIL serves as a provocation and introduction to the forum “Culture and Democracy: instruments, practices and public policies”.

Language: Portuguese

Topic: Culture and Policy