Thursday, 26 September16h30 - 17h30Sala Amassaria CONVERSA / TALK

Planning an artistic career requires a combination of talent, strategy and a lot of determination. Global capitalism and the dependence on digital platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Instagram and Tik Tok, which absorb the resources from music sales and use algorithms that don’t favour originality and emerging talent, have created extra difficulties, which are more pronounced in small markets with unprofessionalized and poorly supported ecosystems. The need to diversify income and the dependence on direct engagement with fans has brought new dimensions and demands to an artist’s career.

In this panel, we will hear from experienced artist career managers who will share their methods, suggestions and advice in a panel where we will also address the question: Is the best strategy for the industry always the best strategy for the Artist?

Language: English | Simultaneous Live Subtitles: Portuguese

Topic: Music Industry