PERIFERIAS CENTRAIS MANIFESTO: Beyond the municipalization of culture, on the road to cultural democracy

In the year that marks the 50th anniversary of April 25, Periferias Centrais group is presenting its manifesto “Beyond the Municipalization of Culture: On the Road to Cultural Democracy”.

The Manifesto’s preamble reads: “Periferias Centrais believes that the quality of political democracy is closely linked to the quality of cultural democracy – and, consequently, to plural and equitable citizen participation. We believe that culture and the arts best serve society when they create a space for dissent, activism and criticism of the powers that be; a space for social transformation; a space for respect.”

The presentation of this Manifesto at MIL serves as a provocation and introduction to the forum “Culture and Democracy: instruments, practices and public policies”.

Language: Portuguese

Topic: Culture and Policy