Wednesday, 25 September18h00 - 19h00Sala Confeitaria MESA-REDONDA / ROUND-TABLE

The Nostalgia Industry reflects the human tendency to value and revisit the past, and its influence is vast, encompassing nearly every aspect of popular culture and modern consumption. Although always present in both mass and niche consumption and creation practices, its economic and creative impact seems to have skyrocketed in recent years. This is evident when we analyze music sales and streaming revenues, the artistic programs of major festivals, and the aesthetics of mainstream communication and creation.

In this roundtable, we want to discuss the reasons behind this trend: Is it just another economic vein that capitalism exploits to the limit, or does the “posthumous” (post-postmodern) society, aware of the rupture of the eternal present and its condemnation, reject the new and different experiences of the present? We aim to assess the consequences and determine possible actions, looking at the entire ecosystem of the Music Industry.

Language: English | Simultaneous subtitling: Portuguese

Topic: Music Industry