Navigating Conflict in Music: How to Create Growthful Working Environments

Wednesday, 25 September16h00 - 17h00Sala Amassaria OFICINA / WORKSHOP

Target audience: Artists and professionals from the music and cultural sector

In this session, Rosana Corbacho, a psychologist specializing in the music industry, will lead a discussion on how to manage expectations and pressures that can threaten the mental health of music professionals. The session will present techniques and strategies for dealing with conflicts and creating healthy and productive work environments, promoting personal growth and well-being within the music industry and cultural sector.

  • Objectives:
    To explore techniques for managing expectations and pressures in the music industry and cultural sector.
  • To develop strategies for dealing with conflict and improving working dynamics in the sector.
  • Create work environments that foster growth and mental health in music professionals.
  • Promote practices that contribute to a healthy and collaborative working environment in the context of music and culture.

Note: Participation based on space availability. 

Language: English| Simultaneous Subtitling: Portuguese

Topic: Music Industry