Friday, 27 September15h30 - 16h30Sala Confeitaria MESA-REDONDA / ROUND-TABLE

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people believed that live cultural activities would be permanently replaced by digital alternatives. There was a huge increase in online projects, streaming platforms and virtual cultural events, with the idea that this model would become the new normal. However, the post-pandemic period revealed that the public’s desire for face-to-face cultural activities remained strong and, in many cases, even intensified. After all, the future of culture was live. But in 2024, many alarm bells are ringing. Studies carried out in various countries and on different artistic practices show a decrease in audiences at live events compared to the pre-pandemic years, so there is an urgent need to reopen the debate. Is this just a consequence of an economic cycle with a big impact on most people’s disposable income, or is there definitely a behavioral change that will have a decisive impact on live cultural consumption?

This panel will look at this question and its consequences for the industry, with a special look at the grassroots sector, exploring formulations for the near future.

Language: English| Simultaneous subtitling: Portuguese

Topic: Music Industry