Wednesday, 25 September14h00 - 15h00Sala dos Fornos ENTREVISTA / KEYNOTE INTERVIEW

Ségolène Pruvot is the Cultural Director of European Alternatives – a civil society organisation committed to promoting democracy, equality, and culture beyond the borders of the nation-state – as well as imagining, demanding, and embracing alternatives for a viable future for Europe. Formed in political science and urban planning in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany, Ségolène completed her PhD in Urban Sociology with the thesis “Can Participatory Arts Help Create (More) Socially Just Creative Cities?”.

Her academic background and professional activities led to her specialization in exploring the intersection between the arts, the city, and social transformation through extensive experience in the design and implementation of transnational participatory cultural programmes. She has curated, managed, and coordinated artistic projects in several European countries, including the Transeuropa Festival. Currently, she partners in coordinating the Horizon 2020 project Artsformation, which explores the intersection between the arts, society, and technology. She also coordinates Room to Bloom, a feminist platform for emerging artists working in the fields of ecofeminism and postcolonialism. Ségolène is passionate about the city, equality, feminism, and the rights of migrants and minorities.

In this interview, conducted by Carolina Franco, Ségolène Pruvot will discuss the complex intersection between democracy, culture, and citizen participation. The conversation will explore the transformative role of arts and culture in social change, the feminisation of politics, and the impact of participatory cultural policies and practices in building more just and equal societies and communities.

Language: English | Simultaneous Translation: Portuguese

Topic: Culture and Policy