Thursday, 26 September14h00 - 15h30Sala Amassaria RODA DE CONVERSA / TALKING CIRCLE

Curated by: Equid’Artes
Moderator: Marta Amorim

Art has always been a powerful tool for communication and critical expression, especially in contexts of crisis and threats to freedom and social justice. In times of crisis, art not only reflects the tensions of the time, but also acts as a means of resistance and transformation. Curated by Equid’Artes, this round table explores how culture is asserting itself as a response to the democratic deficit.

We bring together artists, creators, collectives and other cultural agents who use their platforms to challenge anti-democratic messages and agendas. The aim is to share experiences, discuss urgencies and exchange knowledge about concrete examples of cultural resistance. Together, we will examine how, within the cultural sector, extremist discourses and ideologies are combated, promoting values of diversity, inclusion and social justice.

Musical performance by Rita Dias
Conversation round
Poetry reading

Partnership: The Equid’Artes initiative has recently started a partnership with Rádio Trauma, run by the artist Gil Dionísio. This conversation will be available in podcast format.

Language: Portuguese| Simultaneous translation: English

Topic: Culture and Politics