Friday, 27 September15h30 - 17h00Sala dos Fornos FÓRUM / FORUM

The intersection between culture and democracy underlines the importance of cultural diversity, cultural citizenship and cultural rights in building a just and inclusive society. However, the realization of these rights is only possible through the daily and continuous exercise of cultural democracy. Participatory democracy is, in turn, essential for involving young people and other communities in social transformation and the promotion of democracy. Integrating cultural practices into everyday life strengthens community cohesion and involvement in democratic processes, which are essential for maintaining democratic health.

This forum brings together a group of researchers and professionals from the cultural, political and academic fields to discuss how the cultural action of municipalities can and should be a catalyst for citizenship and cultural democracy. Emphasizing the relevance of local cultural policies, the debate explores strategies and political solutions to promote community cohesion and strengthen citizen participation. The aim is to affirm culture as a right and formulate concrete proposals for the future of cultural policies and cultural and participatory democracy.

Language: Portuguese| Simultaneous translation: English

Topic: Culture and Policy