Common Ground: Common Code for Urban Cultural Identity

Wednesday, 25 September14h30 - 16h00Floresta dos Tubos LABORATÓRIO / LAB

In this lab, local and international programmers and entrepreneurs who energize nightlife and cultural spaces will come together to get to know each other, present their vision of the city, and imagine urban futures. The focus will be on discussing what unites them, rather than what separates them, with the aim of finding a common working code that promotes the cultural right to the city, diversity and local cultural identity.


  • To facilitate the meeting and exchange of experiences between programmers and cultural entrepreneurs.
  • To explore visions and imagine urban futures that promote integration and cultural diversity.
  • To develop a common working code for the cultural right to the city and local cultural identity.

Note: Participation based on space availability. 

Language: English | Simultaneous Subtitling: Portuguese

Topic: Night Economy