Thursday, 26 September14h00 - 15h30Floresta dos Tubos LABORATÓRIO / LAB

Curated by: Kosmicare


The Safer Spaces Lab is an exploratory laboratory that offers a reflective, participatory and collaborative learning environment to discuss and develop strategies for the creation and maintenance of safer and more inclusive spaces in nightlife contexts. Focused on the critical analysis of the concept of “safe spaces”, Safer Spaces Lab aims to promote safety, harm reduction and inclusion for women, LGBTQIA+ people and other historically oppressed groups.


  • To explore and define the concept of safe spaces and the criteria that characterize them.
  • Develop practical strategies for creating and maintaining inclusion and safety in nightlife environments.
  • Promote dialogue and reflection on safety and harm reduction, addressing the specific needs of women, LGBTQIA+ people and other marginalized groups.
  • To document and evaluate the process in order to share recommendations and future practices.

This laboratory is promoted within the framework of the CRISSCROSS project. The results will be compiled in a white paper made available to the MIL network and other organizations.

The Safer Spaces Lab is based on the experiences and expertise of Kosmicare, a Portuguese NGO specializing in harm reduction with a focus on people who use drugs, working on three main axes: research, community intervention and advocacy. Kosmicare has led the development and implementation of innovative harm reduction services, such as drug testing, psycare (psychological first aid at large-scale festivals), lilac care (protocols for dealing with people who have suffered sexist violence or discrimination in nightlife environments) and individual psychological support, all guided by the principles of harm reduction, empowerment and compassionate care.

Note: Participation based on space availability. 

Language: English

Topic: Night Economy