Dialogue on Gender Diversity: Family Strategies and Experiences

Friday, 27 September11h30 - 12h30 RODA DE CONVERSA / TALKING CIRCLE

This conversation circle, mediated by FLECHA, is a space dedicated to mothers, fathers and caregivers to talk about gender diversity in childhood and adolescence. It is a safe environment that promotes a respectful and non-judgmental attitude. Participants will be encouraged to share concerns, strategies and family experiences to understand and support gender diversity in the family context.

PONTES conversation circle is part of the shesaid.so Space program at MIL 2024. This year, shesaid.so Portugal, a community dedicated to women, gender non-conforming people and allies in the music industry, celebrates the tenth anniversary of its international community. At MIL, the shesaid.so Space marks this date with a special curation that includes information on safe zones at events, workshops, a children’s area and networking opportunities. Founder Andreea Magdalina will also be present.

Language: Portuguese | Simultaneous translation: English

Topic: Culture and Policy