Thursday, 26 September10h30 - 11h30Sala Confeitaria MESA-REDONDA / ROUND-TABLE

The dominance of the digital music distribution and consumption market and its impact on the restructuring of the entire music industry ecosystem is an inescapable reality. The major publishers are once again making huge profits, and collecting societies are achieving record revenues.

At MIL, the debate on the digital market is renewed every year. On the one hand, we want to continue exploring the best ways and different options for artists to gain space and visibility in the digital market; on the other, it is increasingly urgent to discuss intellectual property and question the models of monetization and revenue distribution, as well as the ethical responsibilities of streaming services.
“Streaming has saved the industry. But has it doomed the musicians?” wrote journalist Luís Filipe Rodrigues in his article in Ípsilon on August 23, 2024. This is a question we also left for our panel.

Language: English| Simultaneous subtitling: Portuguese

Topic: Music Industry